Akkineni Nagarjuna House Address, Phone Number, Email Id, Contact Details

Actor Akkineni Nagarjuna’s contact information includes his home address, phone number, and email address. The management office address, manager/secretary/booking agent phone number, WhatsApp, and personal number for actor Akkineni Nagarjuna are listed here. If you’re looking for Akkineni Nagarjuna’s biography and contact details, including his family, career, marriage, education, height, etc. So, you can obtain all of that from here.

Have you heard of Akkineni Nagarjuna? Do you want to know how to get in touch with him? What is Akkineni Nagarjuna’s phone number or email address? What is Akkineni Nagarjuna’s home address? Does he have a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account? For the answers that are available, see this article.

Akkineni Nagarjuna

Akkineni Nagarjuna Contact Details

  • House Address: Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, India
  • Phone Number: +91-XXXXX-XXXXX
  • Email Id: akkinenixx@xxxx.com
  • WhatsApp Number: Not Available
  • Hometown: Hyderabad, India
  • Residence: Hyderabad, India
  • Office Address: Not Available
  • Booking Agent Phone Number: Not Available
  • Manager Phone Number: Not Available
  • Management Email Id: Not Available
  • Fan Mail Address: Not Available
  • Website: www.nagfans.com

Because they value their privacy, celebrities cannot publicly disclose things like their contact information. However, fans can connect with them by following them on their various social media platforms.

Official Akkineni Nagarjuna Manager Contact Number: 022-261544XX, Akkineni Nagarjuna Booking director Phone Number: +91 7878249657

Akkineni Nagarjuna Booking Agent Phone Number +91-990-889-XXXX
Akkineni Nagarjuna New Phone Number +91-990-889-XXXX
Akkineni Nagarjuna New WhatsApp Number +91-989-898-XXXX
Akkineni Nagarjuna WhatsApp Mobile Number Not available right now
Akkineni Nagarjuna Ka Real Mobile Number This number is currently unavailable
Akkineni Nagarjuna Ka WhatsApp Group Not available right now
Akkineni Nagarjuna Email Address for Contact We don’t have any available
Akkineni Nagarjuna Official Website Not available with us
Akkineni Nagarjuna Official email address We don’t have any available
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Akkineni Nagarjuna Social Media Profiles

Along with his contact information, we have listed Akkineni Nagarjuna’s social media handles for his various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Fans can stay in touch with him to learn more about him. Through his social media accounts, fans can also contact Akkineni Nagarjuna and send him messages, feedback, comments, and reviews.

Instagram Handle: link

Facebook Page: link

Twitter Account: link

Akkineni Nagarjuna Biography

Actor, producer, businessman, philanthropist, and TV host Akkineni Nagarjuna is from India. He was born in Hyderabad, Telangana, India, on August 29, 1959. He has made himself the most well-known and highest-paid actor in the South Indian film industry.

Nagarjuna Akkineni His salary for a movie is $7 crore, and his net worth is $50 million. He made his on-screen debut in the 1986 film Vikram and in the 2009 television series Yuva. He has contributed to numerous well-liked and financially lucrative films in many different languages. Akkineni Nagarjuna won the National Film Award in addition to the Nandi Awards and three Filmfare Awards.

In India’s Tamil Nadu region, Akkineni Nagarjuna was born in Chennai. His mother Annapurna Akkineni and father Nageswara Rao Akkneni are both actors and producers. Akkineni Sathyavathi, Akkineni Naga Susheela, and Akkineni Saroja are his three sisters, while Akkineni Venkat is his brother. Akkineni Nagarjuna earned both a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Science in Automobile Engineering.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Manager Contact Number: +91 99047081XX
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Contact Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Real Contact Number: Not available right now
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Personal WhatsApp Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna Mobile Number: Unavailable with us
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In 1984, he wed Lakshmi Ramanaidu Daggubati for the first time; however, in 1990, they divorced. Then, in 1992, Akkineni Nagarjuna wed Amala Akkineni for a second time. Akhil Akkineni and Naga Chaitanya are Akkineni Nagarjuna’s two sons. He is an Indian national, a Hindu by religion, and a Virgo by sun sign.

Nagarjuna Akkineni 6 feet, 0 inches (183 cm) in height, and 74 kilogrammes (163 pounds). His body is 40-34-14 inches in length. The dimensions of Akkineni Nagarjuna’s chest, waist, and biceps are 40 inches, 34 inches, and 14 inches, respectively. His hair is black, and his eyes are brown.

Akkineni Nagarjuna Facts

  • Akkineni Nagarjuna was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India to Actor & Producer, Nageswara Rao Akkineni and Annpurna Akkineni.
  • He has a brother name Akkineni Venkat and three sisters named, Akkineni Sathyavathi, Akkineni Naga Susheela, and Akkineni Saroja.
  • He holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the College of Engineering, Guindy, and an M.S. in Automobile Engineering from Eastern Michigan University, Michigan USA.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna started his acting career with the film ‘Vikram’ (1986) and His first TV serial ‘Yuva’ (2009).
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna first married Lakshmi Ramanaidu Daggubai but they divorced he second married Amala Akkineni in 1992 and they have two sons, both actors.
  • He is considered the highest-paid actor, with an estimated net worth of around $50 million and a salary of Rs. 7 crores per movie.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna has a span of 20 years in the film industry and he acted in more than 90 films in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil languages.
  • He is co-owner of Maa Channel and he is a very good friend of Indian businessman Anil Ambani.
  • Akkineni Nagarjuna is a very talented, stylish, popular, and commercially successful Telugu and Tamil Film Actor.
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We provided the home address, phone number, email address, and other contact information for actor Akkineni Nagarjuna. Please let your social media friends know about this post. Keep coming back to this website to read any contact information for famous people.