Actress Golshifteh Farahani’s contact details, home address, social profiles, including management office address, manager/secretary/booking agent phone number, WhatsApp number, and personal number are available here. If you are looking for the biography and contact information of actress Golshifteh Farahani, like family, career, marriage, education, height, etc., So, from here, you can get all that.

Golshifteh Farahani Biodata
Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani performs in films. She is also well-known for her work as a singer and musician. She was born in Tehran, Iran, on July 10, 1983. She is of Indian descent and practises Islam. Her mother’s name is Azarakhsh Farahani, an actress and music composer, and her father is Behzad Farahani, a professional actor. Christos Dorje Walker and Golshifteh Farahani have two children together: NA (Son) and NA (Daughter). Since 1998, she has been active in the film industry. Golshifteh Farahani’s debut motion picture was “Derakht e Golabie/The Pear Tree” in 1998.Zamaneh, Boutique, The Fish Fall in Love, Shirin, Body of Lies, There Be Dragons, Just Like a Woman, My Sweet Pepperland, Rosewater, etc. are just a few of the films directed by Golshifteh Farahani.
Important Director Mobile Number Info
- Golshifteh Farahani Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
- Golshifteh Farahani Manager Contact Number: +91 9904708172
- Golshifteh Farahani Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
- Golshifteh Farahani WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
- Golshifteh Farahani Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
- Golshifteh Farahani email id
- Golshifteh Farahani office address and contact number
Actress Golshifteh Farahani Personal Information
- Full Name: Golshifteh Farahani
- Date of Birth: 10 July 1983
- Birth Place: Tehran, Iran
- Height: 5 feet 6½ inches
- Weight: NA
- Religion: Islam
- Education: NA
- Star Sign/ Zodiac Sign: Cancer
- Professions/Occupation: Actress, Musician, and Singer
Actress Golshifteh Farahani Family
- Father Name: Behzad Farahani (theatre director and actor)
- Mother Name: Azarakhsh Farahani (actor and music composer)
- Brother: Azarakhsh Farahani (actor and music composer)
- Sister: Shaghayegh Farahani (actress)
- Husband Name: First Husband: Amin Mahdavi, Second Husband: Louis Garrel, Third Husband: Christos Dorje Walker
- Children: NA
How to get Actress Golshifteh Farahani Contact Information
She has millions of fans, and they are constantly looking for information about the actress Golshifteh Farahani’s contact information, including that of her personal secretary, management, and booking agents. Fans, event planners, promoters, and other everyday people occasionally want to put on an event and invite their favourite celebrity. However, they are unsure of how to book Golshifteh Farahani, how to invite her to a wedding, event, or charity, how to get in touch with her for donations, or how to speak with her agents.

Actress Golshifteh Farahani Management Contact Details
- Office Address: NA
- Office Contact Number: (Phone), (Fax)
- Golshifteh Farahani Manager Phone Number: NA
- Golshifteh Farahani Booking Agent Phone Number: NA
- Management Email ID: NA
Actress Golshifteh Farahani Personal Contact Details
- Home Town: Tehran, Iran
- Current Location: Tehran, Iran
- House Address: Tehran, Iran
- Fan Mail Address: NA
- Golshifteh Farahani Personal Phone Number: NA (She has not shared her personal number with anyone because of privacy)
- Golshifteh Farahani Whatsapp Number: NA (She has not shared her Whatsapp number with anyone because of privacy)
- Golshifteh Farahani Email Id: NA
- Golshifteh Farahani Website: NA
Actress Golshifteh Farahani Contact Information
As you look over all the information above, you can contact the actress for assistance, support, or just to say hello. You looked into the management group, the foundation, your own contact information, your personal secretary, the booking agents, as well as your social media accounts, website, blogs, etc. Since information is not available anywhere, you might not have found everything above.
Official Golshifteh Farahani Manager Contact Number: 022-261544XX, Golshifteh Farahani Booking director Phone Number: +91 7878249657
Golshifteh Farahani Booking Agent Phone Number | +91-990-889-XXXX |
Golshifteh Farahani New Phone Number | +91-990-889-XXXX |
Golshifteh Farahani New WhatsApp Number | +91-989-898-XXXX |
Golshifteh Farahani WhatsApp Mobile Number | Not available right now |
Golshifteh Farahani Ka Real Mobile Number | This number is currently unavailable |
Golshifteh Farahani Ka WhatsApp Group | Not available right now |
Golshifteh Farahani Email Address for Contact | We don’t have any available |
Golshifteh Farahani Official Website | Not available with us |
Golshifteh Farahani Official email address | We don’t have any available |
Social Accounts of Actress Golshifteh Farahani
If you couldn’t find some contact information due to privacy concerns, don’t worry. The Golshifteh Farahani facebook page, Golshifteh Farahani Instagram page, Golshifteh Farahani twitter account, and his other social media accounts or communities still allow you to contact her.If they permit it, you can also leave a comment or send a message to that person.
- Facebook:NA
- Twitter: NA
- Instagram: NA
- Snapchat Id: NA
- YouTube Channel: NA
Actress Golshifteh Farahani’s contact information, including her home address, phone number, manager, booking agent, website, and social media profiles, can be found above. Please let us know if you have any problems using the actress Golshifteh Farahani contact information provided above.