Address, phone number, email, and other contact information for Indian actress Kriti Kharbanda. The following information can be used to contact the actress Kriti Kharbanda: management office address, manager/secretary/booking agent phone number, whatsapp, and personal number. If you’re looking for Kriti Kharbanda’s biography and contact details, including her height, family, marital status, career, and other details, click here. Thus, you can obtain everything from here.
Know anything about Kriti Kharbanda? Do you want to know how to contact her? How can I reach Kriti Kharbanda by phone or email? What is the address of Kriti Kharbanda’s home? Is she accessible on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? For the available solutions, see this article.

Actress Kriti Kharbanda Contact Details
You can connect with the actress Kriti Kharbanda by using the complete contact information provided here.
- Phone Number: Not Available
- WhatsApp Number: Not Available
- Email Id: Not Available
- House Address: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Hometown: Bangalore, Karnataka
- Residence: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- Office Address: Not Available
- Booking Agent Phone Number: Not Available
- Manager Phone Number: Not Available
- Management Email Id: Not Available
- Fan Mail Address: Not Available
Because they value their privacy, celebrities cannot publicly disclose things like their contact information. However, fans can connect with them by following them on their various social media platforms.
Social Media Profiles
Along with her contact information, we have listed Kriti Kharbanda’s social media handles for her various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Follow her on social media to learn more about her. Using her social media accounts, fans can also contact Kriti Kharbanda and leave messages, comments, and reviews.
Instagram Handle: link
Facebook Page: link
Twitter Account: link
Official Kriti Kharbanda Manager Contact Number: 022-261544XX, Kriti Kharbanda Booking director Phone Number: +91 7878249657
Kriti Kharbanda Booking Agent Phone Number | +91-990-889-XXXX |
Kriti Kharbanda New Phone Number | +91-990-889-XXXX |
Kriti Kharbanda New WhatsApp Number | +91-989-898-XXXX |
Kriti Kharbanda WhatsApp Mobile Number | Not available right now |
Kriti Kharbanda Ka Real Mobile Number | This number is currently unavailable |
Kriti Kharbanda Ka WhatsApp Group | Not available right now |
Kriti Kharbanda Email Address for Contact | We don’t have any available |
Kriti Kharbanda Official Website | Not available with us |
Kriti Kharbanda Official email address | We don’t have any available |
Kriti Kharbanda Biography & Personal Life

Former fashion model and actress Kriti Kharbanda hails from India. She was born in New Delhi, India, on October 29, 1988. Kriti Kharbanda is employed by the Kannada and Telugu film industries. She made her acting debut in the 2009 Telugu film Boni. Kriti Kharbanda made a name for herself as one of the most prominent and lucrative actresses in the Kannada film industry. She became well-known thanks to the films Googly (2013) and Super Ranga (2014). Last seen in the 2017 Hindi film Atithii Lin London, Kriti Kharbanda.
Ms. Kriti Kharbanda 52 kg, or 115 pounds, and a height of 5 feet 3 inches, or approximately 161 cm. 34-26-34 inches are the measurements of her body. Kriti Kharbanda has a 34B bra size, a 26-inch waist, and 34-inch hips. Her dress size is 4 and she wears US shoe sizes 8 and 8. Kriti Kharbanda has brown eyes and black hair. She is a Hindu and has the sign of the Scorpio.
Ms. Kriti Kharbanda Rajni Kharbanda’s mother and father are Ashwani and Rajni Kharbanda. She has a younger brother Jaiwardhan and a younger sister Ishita. From Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College in Bengaluru, Kriti Kharbanda earned a diploma in jewellery design. Kriti Kharbanda isn’t married right now.
Kriti Kharbanda Manager contact details (name, email, phone number), manager, contact info
- Kriti Kharbanda Contact Number: 022-261544XX
- Kriti Kharbanda Phone Number: 022-262061XX, 262075XX
- Kriti Kharbanda contact number whatsapp, +91 9904708172
- Kriti Kharbanda mobile number 2022
- Kriti Kharbanda manager name
- Kriti Kharbanda email id
- Kriti Kharbanda whatsapp number 2023
- Kriti Kharbanda office address
Kriti Kharbanda Facts
- Kriti Kharbanda was born in New Delhi India to Ashwani Kharbanda and Businesswoman, Rajni Kharbanda.
- She has a brother Jaiwardhan and a younger sister Ishita, Chartered Accountant.
- She holds a Graduation and Diploma in Jewellery Designing.
- She started her film acting career with Telugu Film ‘Boni’ (2009) and her Bollywood Debut Film ‘Reboot’ (2016).
- Kriti Kharbanda was ranked number 1 in the ‘Bangalore Times Most Desirable Woman in 2013.
Actress Kriti Kharbanda’s home address, phone number, email address, and other contact information were shared. Please let your social media friends know about this post. Keep coming back to this website to read any contact information for famous people.