Parthiv Patel Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Contact information, including the home address, email, and phone number, for Indian cricketer Parthiv Patel. Information on the contact information and address for Indian cricketer Parthiv Patel. We’re going to present some responses from people who frequently ask queries like, “How can I contact Parthiv Patel?” and “What is Parthiv Patel’s email address?” What is Parthiv Patel’s phone number? Including his personal phone number, business address, and a lot more. His complete verified contact information is available here.

Popular Indian cricketer Parthiv Patel’s official Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram handles, as well as all other social media profile links. Additionally, we offer cricketer Parthiv Patel’s home address, phone number, fax number, and other contact information.

Parthiv Patel

On March 9, 1985, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Parthiv Patel was born. He represents the Indian National Cricket Team as a cricketer. Like a left-handed batsman and wicketkeeper, he plays cricket well. The most well-liked and successful cricketer representing India internationally is Parthiv Patel.

In both domestic and international cricket matches, he participates. He played in his first international ODI game against New Zealand on January 4, 2002, and his first test against England on August 8, 2002. He represents Gujarat in domestic cricket and represented Mumbai Indian from 2015 to 2017 in the IPL.

Parthiv Patel was born into a Hindu family in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He is Ajay Patel’s child. He has a keen interest in travel. Avni Zaveri, an interior designer, and Parthiv Patel were married; their daughter Venika is their only child.

Parthiv Patel Contact Details

Check out the popular cricketer Parthiv Patel’s contact information, address details, and verified resources. Let’s check out his official contact information, which is listed below.

  • Phone Number: +91-7016719X0X
  • House Address: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
  • Email Id:
  • WhatsApp Number: Not Known
  • Residence: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
  • Official Website: Not Known
  • Fax Number: Not Known
  • Office Address: Not Known
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Parthiv Patel’s Social Media Accounts

Parthiv Patel, a cricket player, is active on a number of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. He is a social addict who enjoys interacting with his fans. We provided links to his verified social media profiles so you could get in touch with him.

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

Parthiv Patel Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House AddressAhmedabad, Gujarat, India
Phone Number+91-7016719X0X
Residence AddressAhmedabad, Gujarat
Fax NumberNot Available
Official WebsiteNot Available

This is the official way to reach Parthiv Patel. His security concerns prevent us from disclosing his very private personal contact information. The contact details for Sarfaraz Khan and cricketer Yuzvendra Chahal are also listed.

Dear Readers The phone number, home address, email address, and other contact information for cricketer Parthiv Patel were shared. To find out how to contact a cricketer, please forward this post to your contacts and continue to check this website.