Sherlyn Chopra House Address, Phone Number, Email Id, Contact Details

Sherlyn Chopra is an Indian actress. Here are her home address, phone number, and email address. You can find the management company’s address, manager/secretary/booking agent phone number, whatsapp, and personal phone number for actress Sherlyn Chopra here. If you’re looking for Sherlyn Chopra’s biography and contact details, including her family, professional background, marriage, educational background, height, etc. So, you can obtain all of that from here.

Are you familiar with Sherlyn Chopra? Do you want to know how to get in touch with her? What is Sherlyn Chopra’s phone number or email address? What address does Sherlyn Chopra’s home have? Is she on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook? For the answers that are available, see this article.

Sherlyn Chopra

Actress Sherlyn Chopra Contact Details

You can connect with Sherlyn Chopra by using the complete contact information provided here.

  • Phone Number: Not Available
  • WhatsApp Number: Not Available
  • Email Id: Not Available
  • House Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Hometown: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Residence: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Office Address: Not Available
  • Booking Agent Phone Number: Not Available
  • Manager Phone Number: Not Available
  • Management Email Id: Not Available
  • Fan Mail Address: Not Available
  • Website: Not Available

Because they value their privacy, celebrities cannot publicly disclose things like their contact information. However, fans can connect with them by following them on their various social media platforms.

Sherlyn Chopra Biography & Personal Life

Sherlyn Chopra is a model and actress from India. She was born in Hyderabad, India, on February 11th, 1984. She is employed by the English, Tamil, and Telugu film industries.

With the Telugu film Vendi Mabbu (2002) and her Tamil debut, University (2002), Sherlyn Chopra made her on-screen debut. Additionally, Sherlyn Chopra contributed to the TV reality programmes MTV Splitsvilla and Bigg Boss season 3.

Hyderabad, Telangana, India, is the birthplace of Sherlyn Chopra. Her mother’s name was Susan Chopra, and her father was George Amitabh Chopra. Amitabh Chopra is her brother, and Sharon Chopra is her sister. After graduating from Stanley Girls High School in Hyderabad, she continued her education at St. Ann’s College for Women in Secunderabad. She is not dating anyone and is not married. Sherlyn Chopra is an Indian national, a Christian, and a member of the Aquarius zodiac.

Ms. Sherlyn Chopra 5 ft 6 in (167 cm) in height and 50 kg (110 lbs) in weight. 35-25-34 inches are the measurements of her body. Sherlyn Chopra is a 34-inch hip and 25-inch waist size. Her dress size is 6 and her shoe size is 8. Brown eyes and black hair characterise Sherlyn Chopra.

Sherlyn Chopra Facts

  • Sherlyn Chopra was born in Hyderabad, Telangana, India to George Amitabh Chopra and Susan Chopra.
  • She has a brother name Amitabh Chopra and a sister name Sharon Chopra, who is an anchor & DJ.
  • She studied at St. Ann’s College for Women, Secunderabad.
  • Sherlyn Chopra started her acting career with the Film ‘Madhuram’ (2002).
  • In 2009, She participated in the most popular reality show, Bigg Boss Season 3.
  • She won the Miss Andhra Contest title during her college days.
  • Sherlyn Chopra is also called ‘Wallpaper Quen’ due to her huge number of wallpapers downloaded from the internet.
  • She hosted a reality show ‘MTV Splitsvilla season 6’ in 2013.
  • Sherlyn Chopra is a very beautiful, talented, and popular Indian Film Actress.
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