Huma Qureshi Phone Number, Manager Contact Number, House Address, Email Id, Contact Details

Huma Qureshi

Indian actress Huma Qureshi’s home address, phone number, and email address. Here you can find the management company’s address, manager/secretary/booking agent phone number, whatsapp, and personal number for actress Huma Qureshi. If you’re looking for Huma Qureshi’s biography and contact information, including her family, career, marriage, education, height, etc. You can therefore obtain all of that from here.

Do you know who Huma Qureshi is? Are you looking for answers to questions like “how to contact her”? What is Huma Qureshi’s contact information, including her phone number and email address? What is Huma Qureshi’s home address? Is she accessible on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? For the available solutions, look at this article.

Actress Huma Qureshi Contact Details

Here is actress Huma Qureshi’s full contact information so you can get in touch with her.

  • Phone Number: Not Available
  • WhatsApp Number: Not Available
  • Email Id: Not Available
  • House Address: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Hometown: New Delhi, India
  • Residence: Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Office Address: Not Available
  • Booking Agent Phone Number: Not Available
  • Manager Phone Number: Not Available
  • Management Email Id: Not Available
  • Fan Mail Address: Not Available

Because they value their privacy, celebrities cannot publicly disclose things like their contact information. However, fans can connect with them by following them on their various social media platforms.

Huma Qureshi Biography & Personal Life

An Indian actress and former model, Huma Qureshi. She was born in New Delhi, India, on July 28, 1986. Huma Qureshi is a film and television actress who works in Bollywood, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. She made her film debut in 2012’s “Gangs of Wasseypur – Part 1” and her television debut in 2012’s “Upanishad Ganga.”

For the films Gangs of Wasseypur Parts 1 and 2, in which Huma Qureshi starred and won numerous awards, she became well-known. Huma Qureshi made a name for herself as one of India’s top actresses and most lucrative performers.

Huma Qureshi

Huma Qureshi is approximately 170 cm (5 ft 7 in) tall and 62 kg (137 pounds) heavy. She is 36-28-35 inches in height. Huma Qureshi has a bra size of 36B, a 28-inch waist, and a 35-inch hip. Her dress size is 4 and she wears US shoe sizes 8 and 8. Huma Qureshi has black hair and dark brown eyes. Her religion is Hinduism, and she is a Leo.

Saleem Qureshi is Huma Qureshi’s father, and Ameena Qureshi is her mother. Saqib Saleem, Naeem Qureshi, and Haseen Qureshi are her three brothers. At the Gargi College of the University of Delhi in India, Huma Qureshi earned her Bachelor of History with Honours degree.

Huma Qureshi isn’t married right now. She had three relationships with Manoj Tanwar, Arjan Bajwa, and Ibrahim Ansari. Huma Qureshi earns a salary of 2-3 crores rupees and has a net worth of $3 million.

Huma Qureshi Facts

  • Huma Qureshi was born in New Delhi, India to Saleem Qureshi and Ameena Qureshi.
  • She has three brothers named, Saqib Saleem, Naeem Qureshi, and Haseen Qureshi.
  • She started her film acting career with the film ‘Gangs of Wasseypur – Part 1’.
  • She is considered the highest-paid actress with an estimated net worth of $3.5 million and a salary of Rs 2-4 Crore per film.
  • Huma Qureshi is also a very popular model and has done a few Television ad commercials with actors Aamir Khan, Shahrukh Khan.
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