Celina Jaitly Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Celina Jaitly

Indian actress Celina Jaitly’s home address, email, and other contact information. Contact information, including address details, for well-known Indian film actress Celina Jaitly. We’re going to share some responses from people who frequently ask queries like “How can I contact Celina Jaitly?” and “What is Celina Jaitly’s email address?” What is Celina Jaitly’s phone number? her home phone number, workplace address, etc. Actress Celina Jaitly’s contact information is clarified in this article today using reliable sources.

Here you can find links to popular Indian actress Celina Jaitly’s social media accounts, including her official Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. The actress Celina Jaitly’s home address, website address, phone number, hometown, and more are also provided.

Celina Jaitley Phone Number, House Address, Contact Address For Event , Guest appearance, Brand Endorsement.

We’ll share some of the answers to frequently asked questions about Celina Jaitly, including how to contact her, her email address, and her phone number. 

Her home phone number, workplace address, etc. Actress Celina Jaitly’s entire contact process is explained in this article today using reliable sources.

On November 24, 1981, Celina Jaitly was born in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. She is an Indian actress and model who has acted in Tamil, Telugu, Bollywood, and Kannada films. The most well-known and financially successful Indian actress is Celina Jaitly. In 2003, she made her acting debut in the movie “Janasheen.”

Celina Jaitly was born in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India to psychologist Meeta Jaitly and retired Indian Army Colonel V.K. Jaitly. Vikrant Jaitly is the name of her brother. She graduated from St. Joseph’s College with a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours in Accounting. Hoteiler, Peter Haag and Celina Jaitly wed in July 2011.

Indian actress Celina Jaitly’s contact information includes her phone number, home address, email address, and WhatsApp number. Contact information for well-known Indian film actress Celina Jaitly.

FAQs Regarding Celina Jaitly

Peter Haag, an Austrian businessman and hotelier, and Celina Jaitly are parents of twin boys named Winston and Viraaj Haag, who were born on March 24, 2012.

On September 10th, 2017, she gave birth to a second set of twin boys, Arthur and Shamsher Haag. Shamsher Haag’s heart defect caused his death.

Currently based in Austria, Singapore, and Dubai, Celina Jaitly travels abroad for her film and endorsement work.

040 235445XX , 98855 789XX

Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

+91 99447788XX, +91 99007080XX

Actress Celina Jaitley Profile

  • Full Name: Celina Jaitley
  • Date of Birth: 24 November 1981
  • Birth Place: Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Religion: Sikhism
  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches
  • Father Name: K. Jaitly
  • Mother Name: Meeta Jaitly
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Husband Name: Meeta Jaitly
  • Occupation: Actress

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